Saturday, July 11, 2020

The True Catholic Mass: the traditional Tridentine Latin Mass - Philippines


6th Sunday after Pentecost (12th July 2020). Tridentine Latin Mass (pre-1950 'Reform' - Missal according to the irrevocably "ex cathedra" decree "Quo primum" of Pope St. Pius V and the "Divino Afflatu" of Pope St. Pius X) - "the NORM [that is, the "ORDINARY" Rite throughout Western Christendom] in perpetuity" (Pope St. Pius V, ex cathedra decree "Quo primum" which is to be adhered to "absolutely"* under pain of suffering "the wrath of God and of the Apostles Peter and Paul")  celebrated by our true Catholic priests - conferred with the unchanging priesthood of Our Lord - by traditionally consecrated Bishops in the traditional Rite of Sacred Orders (excluded are: 1> the 'novus ordo priests' whose 'presidency' conferred in the "New" Rite** is taken from Lutheran ideal and 2> the 'Conservatives' who went through the Traditional Rite of Ordinations but by a "Novus Ordo" hierarch); and, "separated" (Heb. 7.26) from the "New 'Catholic disOrder" of both 1) Vatican II (now excluding the Society of St. Pius X or the SSPX who already formally adheres in principle "to the ["New disOrder"] Rite of the Sacraments legitimately promulgated by Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II..." - "Cor Unum" April 2012) and 2) Sedevacantism (pope-less Church in defiance of the 'de fide' unanimous teaching of Church Fathers and the Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law).
cf., "In virtue of OUR Apostolic authority..." on Pope Paul VI's mere "wish" to have the New 'M[e]ss' celebrated in the Church and Pope Benedict XVI's downgrading of Traditional Latin Mass to a mere "extraordinary" fringe Rite without formally binding the Western Church as Pope St. Pius V did ex cathedra.

** With "ineffective prayers" - Fr. Gabriel Amorth, Vatican's Chief Exorcist, on the "New Rite of Exorcism" even approved by a Pope revised, as with the "New Rite 'Sacraments'" (especially the Mass), to reflect the "New THEO..." ("Theo" in Greek: God") in its "New" prayers!

7:15am  @ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Chapel, Laguna (Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel - the Discalced Carmelites of Traditional Observance)
998.476.1673 | 995.887.3304

Other truly CATHOLIC - Catholic Resistance - Centers: Mangaldan, Pangasinan - 945.119.8397; Cebu - 977.208.1121, Hearts of Jesus and Mary Seminary (Marian Corps of St. Pius X), Cebu City - 915.864.2089; Iloilo City - 915.864.2089; Guindulman, Bohol (Carmelite mission) - 995.233.1234, Dagohoy - 910.945.8219; Ormoc-Hindang-Maasin-Albuera - 999.168.0637; Camiguin - 975.426.3895; Davao-Bukidnon - 999.168.0637; Zamboanga - 956.839.0872

Women, please come in dress with neckline not falling more than an inch below your collar and the hem few inches below the knee; no tubes, no backless. Now the works of the flesh... immodesty.... they who do such [thing] shall not obtain the kingdom of God (Gal 5.19,21). Bring a veil or some cloth to cover your head: let her cover her head (1 Cor. 11.6).

"MANY will say to Me... Lord, Lord, have we not... done miracles in Your Name [by a valid Mass - Ven. Louis Granada, OP, Spiritual Master at the time of Sta. Teresa de Jesus and Sn. Juan dela Cruz, in "Sinner's Guide"]? I will profess unto them: I never knew you: depart from Me you that WORK INIQUITY" (Mt. 7.22-23)

"... During this time [we] are in the outside... They have the [church] premises - but [we] have the Apostolic Faith..." - St. Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, who was wrongfully 'excommunicated' by a compromised Pope, Liberius, and who consecrated bishops and ordained priests against the hierarchy the entirety of which was once almost infected with the heresy of Arianism (cf., "Catholic Tradition 'Overturned'").

When therefore you shall see 
the abomination of desolation 
(cf., Ignis Dei's "Catholic Sanctuary Prefigured of Old - II")
... standing in the Holy Place... flee to the mountains*.... 
Wheresoever the Body shall be, 
there shall the eagles also be gathered together 
(Mt. 24.15,16,28)

*"The true Catholic Mass in this our days is to be found then but rare and with great difficulty."
- Rev. Fr. John, C.D.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Antipope Bergoglio welcomes the demon 'pachamama' at St. Peter's

The demon of the idol 'pachamama' welcomed by her 'Catholic' friends @ St. Peter's Basilica for the opening of the "Amazon Synod" (7th Oct). Antipope* Bergoglio and his gang now desecrate St. Peter's with openly demonic assault and blaspheme the "Spirit of Truth" Who teaches us that "all the gods of the [pagans] are devils" (Ps. 95.5, Biblia Sacra Vulgata). *Benedict XVI is still the Pope - see more the canonical anomally in the script of 'resignation' he read. These are those who, together with them #cbcp, 'CFD' (pseudo-'Catholic Faith Defenders'), 'DCF' (pseudo-'DefendersOfTheCatholicFaith' faction) who profess official 'full communion' (including: 1) the 'conservatives' who have their 'Traditional Latin Mass' by official 'permission', and 2) the Society of St. Pius X or the SSPX now working for this 'full canonical integration' with the "New 'Catholic disOrder'") with and 'loyalty' to the disoriented 'ecumenical' Vatican, truly lack authentic #Katoliko jurisdiction ("As the Father has sent me, I also send you" - Jn. 20.21).

Authentic Catholic Jurisdiction - LEGITIMATE/LICIT exercise of the powers of Christ conferred by the Church (valid Sacred Orders) : pleasing to God and therefore assuring of His benedictions...

"For this I was born, and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony to the truth. Every one that is of the truth, hears My voice" (from the Holy Gospel, Jn. 18.33-37, Solemnity of Christ the King - traditionally, Last Sun in Oct). That is the foundation of Catholic jurisdiction - the pastors are "made... WORTHY partakers..." (from the Lesson, Col. 1.12-20) in the conquest of Him Who Is "the King of kings and Lord of lords" (Apoc. 19.16) : "the Son of God appeared, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (I Jn. 3.8); "As the Father hath sent me, I also send you" (Jn. 20.21). "Cut them off IN THY TRUTH" (Ps. 53.7).

1) "... destroy the works of the devil" - the video clip attached is just yet another "sign" that the officially 'Catholic' hierarchy has NO JURISDICTION (their 'updated' office and ministry, since Vatican II, is the one truly ILLEGITIMATE/ILLICIT - this, however, PRESUPPOSES VALIDITY, that is, there is the operative divine power (to effect the Eucharistic miracle of Transubstantiation, for example) as MAY have been salvaged still in their re-invention of the Sacramental system; only that this is TO BE USED (as at a Satanic "Black Mass") in the mockery of the 'triumphalist' God of 'absolutist' all-encompassing dominion - the God of our traditional Tridentine Mass Who claims the exalted central place - and of His 'triumphalist' and 'absolutist' pre-Vatican II kingdom on earth and for the destruction of many souls in the name of false obedience, why illegitimate or illicit); they stand* in rejection of this truth of the Eternal Word in their "New" version: "... All the gods of the [pagans] are devils" (Ps. 95.5, Biblia Sacra Vulgata Latina) : 'Welcome back Satan to Rome.' *See the disoriented Vatican 'ecumenical' directive.

2) Recently, SSPX presbyter Carlo Saa in his 'Catechism' @ OLVC-New Manila - we the priests (and the bishops) of the Catholic Resistance have NO JURISDICTION... our Sacraments will register only their validity at the hour of death (of our 'poor' faithful). From what has been presented (1) HE'D RATHER TRAMPLE THE LIGHT HE ONCE RECEIVED AT AN SSPX SEMINARY on Sacramental validity (if our Ordination is invalid, how in heaven and on the remaining Catholic space here on earth could it be validated, as well as the Sacraments we've administered, BY DYING MOMENT?) and on the question of Catholic jurisdiction (valid and licit: grace giving; valid but illicit : non-grace giving) just to save the face of his overturned institute, twisting minds - but a true Catholic priest, being another Christ, "deliver[s]... from the power of darkness" (from the Lesson of today's Mass) : he's got LEGIT jurisdiction, his VALID Order bears the divine stamp that indeed his is Christ's work; that's a sign that this SSPX presbyter is the one who hast lost jurisdiction in his Society's 'conservative' compromise (as with the 'TLM' groups 'authorized' in the "New 'Catholic' disOrder parishes = Neo-Catholic 'FULL communion'...) with the officially 'Catholic' hierarchy - ILLEGITIMATE, for to paraphrase Ps. 17.26-28: "... with [those] pervert ["BASTARD(S)" - those "MANY" to whom the Eternal Judge will pronounce: "I never knew you...," Mt. 7.22-23], thou wilt be perverted" : NO GRACE (St. Thomas in "de Sacramentis" of his "Summa...) for he's gone such stupid, choosing to become a son and minister of the "father of lies"... and this is what lack of Catholic jurisdiction boils down to.

"When you shall see the abomination.... in the holy place... FLEE to the mountaints [the tue Church - reduced to a few elect in this our end-times, see more "The Church Fathers on the Fewness of Those Who Are Saved" by St. Leonard - with her sanctifying Sacraments is now to be found with some great difficulty ("How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!" - Mt. 7.14) outside her own 'Catholic' walled institutions : "For OUT OF Jerusalem shall go forth A REMNANT... THAT WHICH SHALL BE SAVED OUT OF Mount Sion," IV Kings 19.31]" (Mt. 24.15-16). Join us "the REST of... the [Catholic] seed [of the Apocalyptic Woman - see "The Great Sign @ Fatima, Portugal"]" (Apoc. 12.17) - the Catholic Resistance : "We charge you, brethren, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ: tha you WITHDRAW YOURSELVES from [them] who walk disorderly, and not according to the Tradition which they have received of us" (II Thess. 3.6).

Thursday, October 3, 2019

SSPX Lying Propaganda Against the Discalced Carmelite Father John Domdom of the Catholic Resistance

Feast of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus

FB page 'Sanctus Pius X' cries 'self-contradiction' against Fr. John (Marlowe Domdom), C.D. on his expose of SSPX slide towards the "Novus Ordo"-Vatican II-'Church which its Founder, Abp. Lefebvre, treated as the pseudo-Church to be countered.

It all started when Father John highlighted an occassion as yet another evidence of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) compromise with the "New 'Catholic disOrder'" - now recognizing the 'liberal Modernist Vatican II-Church' (the mainstream official 'Catholic Church) as still THE Catholic Church, therefore they don't want being regarded anymore as 'separate' from it; they must be canonically part of (the 'Novus Ordo Church') in an 'extra-ordinary' way: placed under the condemned 'liberal Modernist' hierarchs...

SSPX presbyter, Carlo Saa

The FB Page "Sanctus Pius X" came up with a pic of the traditional Discalced Carmelite Father offering his First PH Tridentine Mass on a table in a 1920-built Chapel (now turned by the "New 'Catholic  disOrder'" into the Relic Chapel of St. Therese) - which the parish 'presider' would use for the adapted Lutheran 'Mass' (the "New disOrder of 'Mass'" of Paul VI-Bugnini in our 'Catholic' walls since 1970) - under the headline 'Self-Contradiction'.

Father John Domdom points out...

"The page "Sanctus Pius X" #FSSPX #SSPX re-presented my post as involving 'self-contradiction'. That deception consists in this: the term of the issue - the Novus Ordo table originally INTENDED FOR AND DEDICATED (BY REGULAR USE) to the service of the Neo-Christ at the heart of the "New 'Mass'." They failed to IDENTIFY that the LONGER table used by my former parish pastor in the pic is that same I used for my first Mass in LB. In fact what I used was that SMALL table DESIGNED/INTENDED to bear the pilgrim relics of St. Therese! Shame on them for Pope St. Pius X knew and kept very well his Thomistic Logic whereas the pretended page devoted to him defies it.

--- On the SIDE ISSUE - the VENUE of my first Mass was the RELIC CHAPEL of St. Therese; renovated old chapel built in the 1920s at the same spot. It was not the center of the Novus Ordo life of the parish - the parish 'church' or the parochial school 'chapel' - which the SSPX have no qualms about in Sta. Rosa Laguna. The Parish confirmed upon my prior inquiry that it is not used regularly/daily for their dedication to the Neo-Christ yet it has been used on Saturdays/Sundays by the "Alliance" of "Presider" Bing Arellano for their 'TLM'. ---

The lying #FSSPX #SSPX presbyter behind the account 'Sanctus Pius X' in his desperation MANIPULATED scenes picking up only what would be useful to justify still an 'elementary' stupidity he fed their faithful - IN FACT LEAVING OUT THE COMPLETE PICTURE, ESPECIALLY THE DETAIL (pic 4) THAT THE SMALL TABLE I USED WAS NOT INTENDED TO BE DEDICATED TO THE WORSHIP OF THE NEO-CHRIST of "ALL mercy and compassion" (the "New 'Mass'" since 1969) BUT WAS CUSTOMIZED TO FIT EXACTLY TO THE ENCASING OF THE RELICS. So finally, the Truth is with SSPX still?

In his second presentation (pic 1), he asserts, contrary to MY CLAIM, that THE TABLE I USED FOR MY FIRST Ph MASS was not INTENDED TO HOLD THE PILGRIM RELICS OF ST. THERESE; RATHER, a table INTENDED FOR and dedicated (by regular use) to the service of the Neo-Christ (what they use in Sta. Rosa, Laguna) - why we see a different table bearing the Relics being incensed by the local Novus Ordo hierarch. The deceptive trick by that monkey of the lying devil - LEAVE OUT WHAT DO NOT SERVE HIS VERSION : THE WHOLE PICTURE...

pic 2 - the parish honor assembly in front of the renovated old chapel (venue of my First LB Mass) to receive the Relics; background: the NOVUS ORDO CENTER of PAROCHIAL DAILY DEDICATION TO THE NEO-CHRIST - acceptable venue for SSPX in their 'mission' in Sta. Rosa here in Laguna.



pics 5-6 - the Relics transferred to the Novus Ordo parochial center

That minister of the lying devil dared refer to us as the infernal trickster that he is? May the curses that he deserves be multiplied even more in Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti!"

#bokasyonCarmelitano #CarmelitanoAko

Feast of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus

"My mission is to make God much loved as I love Him, to teach souls my Little Way."

13-27 years old, of parents living in Catholic marriage
Join #CarmelitanoAko!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

'Pagbabago...' ???

Salt... unsavory... of the earth
(Mk. 9.50; Mt. 5.13)

Why the Sacred Liturgy - the Mass, especially, being the life, power, sanctity, and sanity of the Church - came in the first order of business by the infiltrated revolutionaries (see more - "The Year 1929") at Vatican II (1962-1965). And so, since the revolutionary Council, since adapting to the Lutheran idea of the priest (a 'presider') and Mass (a 'banquet fellowship'), the mainstream-Church has turned 'Protestant' (no need for guidance and direction by the Church hierarchy; only what the 'Bible' says) - even worse: the mainstream-'Catholics' don't care what the Word, written and unwritten, has to say on their private or social affairs - having been fed with a "tampered liturgy" (Pope John Paul II) : "a fabricated liturgy... a banal on-the-spot product" (Pope Benedict XVI, then Card. Ratzinger). The Sacred (hidden even of Old) and the holy place have been violated - why abuse of the hidden part of the Christened body (temple of the Holy Ghost) by the sin of lust and its perversions (particularly, self-abuse and homosexuality) is notoriously named amongst the 'liberal Modernist Church' of Vatican II: "there shall be like people like priest" (Os. 4.9). The name "Catholic" has now become as "dung" : "They that were fed delicately have died in the streets; they that were brought up in scarlet have embraced the dung" (Lam. 4.5) ... thanks but no thanks to them and their "New disOrder" Rite of service of human invention. After Vatican II (1962-1965), since the "New disOrder" of 'liberal Modernist Catholic life' fed by Luther's 'Mass' (imposed in 1970 in our institutions to replace our traditional Tridentine Latin Mass) and the rest of the "New 'Sacraments'" such is the "TRANSFORMATIVE" effect of the "New disOrder of 'Mass' FALSELY so-called '#ORDINARYForm'...." 

"By their fruits you shall know [the New Vatican II-Church even 'helped' - so this seems to be supposed - by 1) 'Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)' Society mere-'SENSE of the sacred' groups under the noses of New-'Church' hierarchs and by 2) its new-kid-on-the-block - the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) who now recognizes it as still the true Catholic Church; that is, even TLM but under compromise with the New 'Catholic disOrder'" of Vatican II is "useless" (Fr. G. Amorth, ex-Vatican Chief Exorcist) ]" (Mt. 7.16). 

28th Aug 2019 Feast of St. Augustine - once a soul in error given over to lust; converted to Christ 1) by an uncompromised pastor of Him Who Is The Absolute Unchanging Truth and 2) the prayers and sacrifices of his #Katoliko mother 3) in true piety and, finally, TRANSFORMED into Christ 1) by our always legitimate (St. Thomas: grace-giving) Tridentine Rite of the Mass in Latin (along with the rest of our traditional Rite of Sacraments) - the sane life and power of the Church against the world, the flesh, and evil spirits, and 2) by the true Catholic life of discipline: our Saint under a religious Rule. 
Domus Sancti Ioseph, CALABARZON 

When you shall see the abomination of desolation [Luther's reinvention of the Mass - "banquet" 'fellowship' hosted by 'presiders'] standing in the holy place... FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS [the true grace-giving Sacraments is now found OUTSIDE our institutions and to be found and received at some great cost - see, our "#CatholicResistance"]! (Mt. 24.15-16)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Entering a post-Vatican II 'Seminary'/'Monastery'? Beware...


Entering the 'Seminary' or 'monastery' to become a Catholic priest... or a "presider" in Protestant 'communion service' costume?

click to enlarge
Beware - you will not get ordained anymore as a true Catholic priest in the official 'Seminaries/monasteries' (see prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success). In 2012, at a "New" Rite of Ordination ceremony in Sto. Domingo Church, QC, the hierarch Soc Villegas reading the New 'Pontifical' pronounces: "Receive the power to offer the 1) sacrificeS 2) OF THE PEOPLE" - the "New" Rite does not ordain Catholic priests anymore who are supposed to offer only the 1) one SINGULAR propitiatory Sacrifice and that only 2) of Christ Crucified!

And for those who managed to receive valid ordination before that tragic revision of the New 'Pontifical' above, yet, obtained the character of being a mere "presider" (Lutheran 'priesthood' - see more, "Made Priests...For the Devil (II Paralipomenon - 'Chronicles' in non-Catholic versions - 11.15)" - "MANY will say to Me... Lord, Lord, have we not... done miracles in Your Name [by a valid Mass - Ven. Louis Granada, OP, Spiritual Master at the time of Sta. Teresa de Jesus and Sn. Juan dela Cruz, in "Sinner's Guide"]? I will profess unto them: I never knew you: depart from Me you that WORK INIQUITY" (Mt. 7.22-23). What officially 'valid' 'Mass' [Our Lord made Sacramentally Present IF indeed valid still], other than the Satanic 'Mass', offered by the MANY is a work of iniquity?

Contact us - the "FEW" (Our Lady of Good Success) - for our traditional priestly formation and Ordination - what St. John of the Cross, St. Thomas, St. Augustine, Padre Pio received... "Stand ye #bokasyon #pagpaPari #seminarista on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your soul" (Jer. 6.16) "Enter a monastery/Seminary of strict traditional observance [not of the 'liberal Modernist' corruption the official 'Seminaries/monasteries' are sick of]; because if you want to enter another, where they live more freely, it is better for you to stay at home and attend there to the salvation of your soul as well as you can; for entering an Institute where the spirit is relaxed, you expose yourself to the danger of being lost" (St. Alphonsus Liguori, "The Great Means of Salvation...").

Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(the Discalced Carmelites of Traditional Observance)
Domus Sancti Ioseph, Laguna PH

Marian Corps of St. Pius X
(secular life with missions)
Hearts of Jesus and Mary Seminary, Cebu PH

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The hidden tragic PH elections agenda

Feast of St. Monica

Cities, towns, regions, States as if on fire with so-called "red heat index" up? "In the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all: EVEN THUS SHALL IT BE IN THE DAY WHEN THE SON OF MAN SHALL BE REVEALED" (Lk. 17.29-30). Widespread homosexuality - the "basest moral depravity" (St. John Chrysostom) - is the moral tragic consequence of the widespread loss, by apostasy, of the true divine Faith which "the Lion of the tribe of Juda" shall find in His visitation ("When the Son of man comes, shall He find, think ye, Faith on earth?" Lk. 18.8 - and the Protestant 'Bible-only' adherents growing and expanding since Vatican II?); cf., our post "Our Lady at Fatima, Vatican Disorientation, and the Annihilation of Many Nations"

The "New World 'Catholic' disOrder" Filipino hierarchs or the CBCP have campaigned against Duterte for the Presidency - but for wrong critical issue. They have departed from the Truth (cf., the NEW 'Catholic THEOlogy': Ultimate Delusion of Vatican II 'Catholicism'), therefore have they missed the grave signs of the times, babbling as disoriented moral compass.

Among the PH 'presidentiables' #PILIpinas2016 #halalan2016, Duterte and Poe will grant legal homosexual 'union'. Santiago has already opposed it with a bill she filed in the Senate but only for the sake of the current legal thread the color of which she hopefully sees compassionately changing. Surprisingly, the "Liberal" Roxas opposes it but also as a matter of public legal policy. Only Binay has expressed unashamedly his opposition in that he stands by the 'Catholic Church' on the matter (but yet Antipope* Bergoglio: "Who am I to judge?") - therefore falls short in unequivocally contending (also to the face of the Antipope) that it is against the Law of God (by way of Natural Law - why senatorial candidate Pacquiao is right in saying that "they're worse than animals" - and by way of positive precepts in both the Old and New Testaments of the Sacred Writ), against the Rights of God (to which everything must defer - that's true RESPECT)!
Why Bergoglio is an Antipope, see the "Declaratio" read by Pope Benedict XVI

And among the vice-presidential candidates, Robredo, Cayetano, and Marcos are of the same color as Duterte, Poe, and Santiago. Honasan and Escudero have no public stand before the true God Who knows both tender mercy and rigorous justice (scoffed at by the 'Novus Ordo'). Trillanes bravely said no - but on what firm and solid ground, only heaven knows.

"God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient.... Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and NOT ONLY THEY THAT DO THEM, BUT THEY ALSO THAT CONSENT TO THEM THAT DO THEM!" (Rom. 1.26-28)

May St. Monica (the great Mother of St. Augustine) spare the nation as with the prayers, tears and sacrifices she offered up for her son when he was still burning with the lusts of the wounded flesh! St. Joseph, protect us!