Friday, February 6, 2015

Praktikal na 'Katolisismo'


First Friday of the Month
The Eucharistic Miracle @
Lanciano, Italy

Vatican II-'Catholics'/Neo-'Catholics' : 'Protestantized Catholics' - they say (according to their own opinion) they are Catholics but no longer believe in the Real Presence of the Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament...

One lousy defense offered online was that there was no desecration intended. In 2 Kings [2 Samuel in Protestant versions] 6.6, we read God chastising Ocha with immediate death for he dared touch the Ark of the Covenant which contains the manna [a figure of our tabernacle with the real Manna - the Living Bread - reserved in it] with his unconsecrated hands just merely to support it and thus keep it from falling off; yes, he did not intend to desecrate it but the true God of Catholic Tradition, the God of both just wrath and "merciful love" (our dear "Little Therese"), has a standard of what is sacred to which we cannot fall short of - what more to touch the Sacred Host with unconsecrated hands and even handle It the way a faithless would as above! St. Paul the Apostle therefore points out: ... These things were done in a figure of us.... they are written for our correction... (1 Cor. 10.6,11).

But the stupid excuse by the head of the Philippine Episcopal Conference: pastoral reasons necessitated it - that is, the divine truth (the Catholic Dogma of the Real Presence) with all its demands could prove to be impractical: therefore, divine truth is not truth after all since principles (based on truth) govern actions. Impractical truth is not truth after all for we live by the truth. You are of your father the devil... [who] stood not in the truth (Jn. 8.44). The true Catholic Church stands on the Truth; the pseudo-Church... a make-believe by the devil (cf., "The Year that was 1929").

There shall be like people like priests...
I Am profaned in the midst of them
(Osee 4.9; Ezech. 22.26).